Choosing the Better Part

Imagine stepping into a quaint home, nestled in a certain village, where famed sisters, Martha and Mary, resided. While we’ve often heard about the dynamic between these siblings, today, we’re zooming in on Mary and the profound lesson she taught us – the art of “choosing the better part.”

Choosing the Better Part

Mary, also known as Mary of Bethany, has left us with a powerful lesson, best articulated in her choice to sit at the feet of Jesus. You might recall the famous story from Luke 10:38-42. While Martha was busy with preparations, Mary chose a different path. Instead of bustling around as the hostess, she chose the better part – to sit and learn from the Savior.

Mary’s Fearless Faith

Mary’s choice was audacious and unconventional. In a society where roles were rigidly defined, she challenged the norms by putting her thirst for spiritual wisdom above all else. She didn’t just sit at the feet of Jesus; she listened, absorbed, and embraced His teachings.

Getting in His Presence

Mary’s example is a reminder of the value of being in the presence of the Lord. Her actions encourage us to listen to His instructions (John 10:27), to worship wholeheartedly at His feet, and to become living testimonies of His goodness.

The Pressing – When Tragedy Strikes

In the darkest hours, Mary’s unwavering faith shines even brighter. Her brother Lazarus’s death (John 11:1-44) is a poignant reminder of how faith in Christ can alter our perspective on life’s most challenging moments. Mary’s choice to grieve at the feet of Jesus nearly led her to miss the revelation of Jesus as the Resurrector (John 11:25). It’s a reminder for us to seek the complete revelation of Christ in our trials.

The Oil – A Life of Worship

In times of adversity, let’s remember to choose the better part. Like Mary, we can offer our lives as a fragrant offering of worship (John 12:1–8). By laying aside our material concerns and distractions, we can fully embrace a life that resonates with Proverbs 14:12, where our paths lead to spiritual life, not death.


Mary of Bethany’s story is an inspiration to us all. Her bold choice to sit at the feet of Jesus and embrace His teachings is a timeless reminder of the better part that is available to us. Let her example encourage us to prioritize our relationship with the Lord, choosing the better part and becoming living testimonies of His grace and goodness.

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